To provide reliable, defensible, and useful real estate market information to decision makers – with an emphasis on customer service, quality, and timeliness.
Our Purpose is to report accurate real estate values to our clients in a timely fashion. Our focus is on market segments (e.g., eminent domain) where our opinion really counts and the answer absolutely has to be right. In order to accomplish our purpose, our Mission is to:
- Conduct superior due diligence
- Follow a rigorous appraisal process
- Recruit, train, and employ the best appraisers in the marketplace
Our Vision is to be:
- The premier provider of real estate valuations in the marketplace
- A sought after place to work by appraisers
- Compensated fairly for the additional time and effort that go into our appraisals
Our approach is based upon the following Principles and Values:
- We will at all times conduct ourselves in an honest, fair, and competent way.
- Service – Our customers and clients are the reason we exist. We are in the service business; establishing a reputation for and meeting our commitments on time is critical to our long-term success.
- Respect – Our employees and appraisers are the means to how we will accomplish our objectives. Establishing an environment for our appraisers to thrive and prosper will ensure our long-term success.
- Ingenuity and Innovation – our business systems and technology are how we will stay competitive. We must continually seek out ways to improve on how we acquire and use knowledge.
GRHCo exhibits the characteristics of a practice centered-strong service firm. Practice-centered professionals see their calling as “a way of life” and typically have as their major goal the opportunity to serve others and produce examples of the discipline they represent. Strong-service firms are organized to deliver experience and reliability, especially on complex assignments.